I am writing this after a wonderful morning brunch with Chris and before I go for a walk along the bay and do some baking (Sunday night entertainment). I am looking out at the bay under a washed blue sky and I’m grateful to have a wonderful week to reflect on here. So, without further ado, here is my Nourished Life Gratitude List 2014 Week 27:
Monday: Today one of the ladies at work brought me in a home baked treat that she had made over the weekend. Although I could only eat the filling (darn you wheat based pastry) I fell in love with the intense caramel of a traditional Canadian butter tart. I can’t wait to make a gluten free version soon. I was so grateful to her for thinking about me while she was making them and bringing me a sweet Monday treat.
Tuesday: Today I was grateful to see the sunrise. I got up early and went for a run at the gym and when I got home the sky was alight. I am grateful for these quiet moments at the beginning of the day.
Wednesday: Today was a hard day at work. This whole week has been one of those ‘get me outta here’ moments actually. When I got home and got busy working on some recipes and baking for a café and writing, Chris went out and bought me a bar of my favourite chocolate and found a new television show for us to relax with for a little while in an otherwise busy day. I am grateful for the amazing little gems in my life.
Thursday: Today I was grateful to have so many strong examples of how to be a modern woman. Lately I have been enjoying reading Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls at the Party, listening to Stuff Mom Never Told You, and watching empowering videos like this one from Always. I am grateful to be a woman living in our country, and I can’t wait to find a way to give back to women who are less fortunate. Any ideas readers?
Friday: Tonight I met up with Caroline for dinner. We laughed about some of the shallow things in life (we were both limping and wincing from our respective workouts during the week) and dug deep for conversations about the dark, confusing, and important things. It took a phone call to each of us from our significant others to realise that it was already 11pm and the restaurants around us were closing up while we chatted away. I was grateful for a night of amazing conversation, and some much needed inspiration, from one of my oldest friends.
Saturday: Do you ever have one of those days that feels like a whole week? A whole week of awesome things? Today was one of those days and I was grateful for every moment from sunrise to midnight. It started with lady’s breakfast and market shopping with Mum and Jess followed by a great 9.5km run, and a nap with Chris before heading out to a dinner party at the darling Casey and Matt’s home. We were surrounded by friends, family, laughter and lots and lots of food. I fell asleep with a smile on my face and a happy tummy.
Sunday: Today has gotten off to a slow start. I am grateful for these moments, lately I feel as if a large weight has been lifted from my chest after I made the decision to graduate from university early and focus my attention on writing and enjoying my everyday life. I have been ‘at school’ since the age of five, and to finally have a moment to sit back and not feel guilty in the moments where I am not working on ‘school work’ is a precious and exciting gift.
Also this week:
- I made a big bowl of Moroccan Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad for a week’s worth of lunches
- I made my own version of these Cream Cheese Brownies, which I can’t wait to share with you all soon
As you can see, this week has been full of revelations, conversations, and happy moments. What are you grateful for this week reader?